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How many times will Shelby Tate, editor of Agape Today magazine, place an ad for a “Write to the Heart” columnist? Not just anyone will do. The magazine’s owner requires the person to be single – after all, who better to advise the unmarried? But keeping her columnists single is the challenge, as one by one they find love. It seems that as soon as a new Miss Lonely Heart begins writing, a reader’s letter captures her attention…and before long, the author of that letter captivates her heart.

Including Mission: Marriage by Aisha Ford

Melanie Taylor has a heart for helping people, and used to dispense advice freely until she ruined her best friend’s romance and completely embarrassed herself. The job for Agape Today seems perfect for her–letting her remain completely anonymous while still working as a nanny. Could her advice to a shy young man help her open the door to a relationship with her employer’s aloof brother?